The Effect of Using Spelling Bee Technique Towards Students' Listening Skill


Listening Skill
Spelling Bee

How to Cite

IRMA MA’RIFATU NUR SA’ADAH, & Wawan Prasetyo. (2023). The Effect of Using Spelling Bee Technique Towards Students’ Listening Skill. LinguA-LiterA: Journal of English Language Teaching Learning and Literature, 6(2), 41–50. Retrieved from


The aim of this study was to determine whether there was a significant effect of using the Spelling Bee Technique on students' listening skills. This research method is quantitative with a quasi-experimental design. The population in this study was the entire population of class X SMA Negeri 2 Trenggalek, amounting to 313 students. The sample of this research is X MIPA 2 as the experimental class and X MIPA 4 as the control class. The number of students from both classes was 35 students, but the number of students who participated in this study was 25 students in each class. The instrument used is a test in the form of pretest and post test. This test was given to both classes. The data obtained will be analyzed using the paired sample t-test using the IBM SPSS 25 computer program. The results of the paired sample t- test calculations show Sig. (2-tails) is 0.000 < 0.05. Thus, Ha is accepted. This means that there is a significant effect of using the Spelling Bee technique on the listening ability of class X students of SMA Negeri 2 Trenggalek




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