The Implementation of Project Based Learning in Teaching Writing to The Tenth Grade Students in 2022/2023 Academic Year


project based learning
teaching writing
learning procedure

How to Cite

Muhtar, M. T. U. M. (2023). The Implementation of Project Based Learning in Teaching Writing to The Tenth Grade Students in 2022/2023 Academic Year. LinguA-LiterA: Journal of English Language Teaching Learning and Literature, 6(2), 29–40. Retrieved from


This research objectives are to find out and describe the objectives, procedures, and evidences in implementation of Project Based Learning in Teaching Writing. This research used qualitative method with phenomenological research focus. From the results of the interview, it was found that Mrs. Wijiati, one of the English teachers, has been implementing Project Based Learning since 2021. She revealed that the purpose of Project Based Learning in teaching writing was to increase students' ability to solve problems or projects, students can gain knowledge through experience and students can improve their writing skills. Then from the documentation, the teacher almost did the whole procedure of Project Based Learning. From the observation, it shows that 67% of the Project Based Learning process can increase students' independence. At the time of implementing Project Based Learning, the weaknesses found were that the teacher had prepared the learning topic, and the teacher has prepared the tools to carry out the project. From the available evidence, the results of Project Based Learning are congratulation cards and how to make food or drink that used procedure text. In conclusion, the teacher has implemented Project Based Learning in accordance with the objectives. However, the teacher has not implemented the whole process of Project Based Learning procedure. From 6 points of Project Based Learning steps, the teacher only did 4 points of the 6 points.



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