The Effect of Using Classcraft toward Students’ Participation in Learning English


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How to Cite

Ernawan, W., & Dewi, S. U. (2023). The Effect of Using Classcraft toward Students’ Participation in Learning English. LinguA-LiterA: Journal of English Language Teaching Learning and Literature, 6(2), 61–71. Retrieved from


Students of second grade industrial automation department in SMKN 1 Trenggalek mostly are not actively participated in learning English subject during teaching learning process. This research was aimed to know whether there is a significant effect of using Classcraft toward second grade industrial automation department students’ participation of SMKN 1 Trenggalek in learning English. This research used Quantitative research with pre-experimental design. The population in this research is second grade Industrial Automation Department consist of 71 Students divided into 2 classes. The sampling method in this research used purposive sampling. The sample in this research was 36 students of second grade Industrial Automation 2. The result of data analysis using SPSS 25 showed that the mean score of pre-test is 69,69 and the post-test is 78,17. Further, the result of hypothesis test using paired sample t-test showed that significant two-tailed score is 0.000. Because the significant score of paired sample t-test is 0.000<0.05, therefore the alternate hypothesis, there is a significant effect of using Classcraft toward students’ participation, is accepted. Moreover, the result of this research is expected to give benefits for teacher, students, and others researcher.



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Copyright (c) 2023 Wahyu Ernawan, Sri Utami Dewi


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